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Olive Leaf Extract oleuropein is an extraordinary 100% natural herbal antibacterial/antiviral extract. Obtained from specific parts of the olive tree (Olea europaea), this new proprietary phytochemical extract is not only safe, but is also a nontoxic immune system builder.
To Date
Olive Leaf Extract has been used clinically in its present form for over a year. Living up to its promising background, it has already, in its short time, demonstrated considerable therapeutic action against many common and chronic conditions. One frequently heard comment is that they feel more energy and a greater sense of well being.
What Professionals Are Saying
Dr. James R. Privitera, M.D., a physician in Covina, California, began using Olive Leaf Extract early in 1995. "I think we are just beginning to scratch the surface for what seems to be a very promising and unique herbal with multiple applications," he says. "We continually hear from patients about new and unexpected benefits. Although we do not have long term perspectives as yet, preliminary clinical results are very positive."
Dr. Phil Selinsky, at the Institute for Holistic Studies in Santa Barbara reports: "Some patients have told me that Olive Leaf Extract took down their dental infections in a matter of hours! The response is quite impressive."
Biochemist Arnold Takemoto: "it [Olive Leaf Extract] sure has power; particularly against viruses that are more tenacious!" "It fills a hole that we haven't been able to fill before. It gives us a new, effective tool."
While Olive Leaf Extract in capsule form is new, the knowledge of the medicinal properties of the tree (Olea europaea) date back to the early 1800's where it was used in liquid form as a very effective treatment for malarial infections. According to the 1854 Pharmaceutical Journal of Provincial Transactions, pages 353 and 354(a), the doctors at that time stated that the properties of the tree, Olea europaea, deserved more extensive investigation.
In the early 1900's, a bitter compound was found in the leaves of certain olive trees called "Oleuropein." This compound was determined to be part of the olive tree's powerful disease resistant structure. In 1962, an Italian researcher recorded that oleuropein had the ability to lower blood pressure in animals. Other European researchers validated that claim and also found it to increase blood flow in the coronary arteries, relieve arrhythmias and prevent intestinal muscle spasms. (b) The search began for the chemical agent within oleuropein that would be the most important medically. A Dutch researcher found it. The chemical was elenolic acid. Further European research determined this compound to have strong bacteriocidal capabilities as well. (c,d,k,l) (See listing under Viruses, Bacterias and Parasitic Protozoans)
In the late 60's and early 70's, The Upjohn Companies' test studies were published by The American Society for Microbiology (e) in regards to a new multifunctional monoterpene which they had isolated from various parts of the olive tree. The compound was called calcium elenolate, a crystalline salt form of elenolic acid. When they tested this compound it was found to be virucidal against all viruses for which it was tested. The compound acted effectively at low concentrations without any harmful influence on host cell mechanisms. It was also found to be extremely safe and nontoxic, even at high doses. While it worked extremely well in-vitro, it was unsuccessful in-vitro. When injected into the blood stream, the compound bound quickly to the blood serum protein and rendered itself ineffective. They were unable to overcome this problem and terminated their research. During this same period, other companies had interest in the compound and performed various tests, but also lost interest. (f,g) Then in 1990, interest was renewed and the process of bringing the remarkable product Olive Leaf Extractto market began.
Finally in 1995, through independent scientific research, success was achieved by East Park Research, Inc., opening the way for clinical application of this natural olive leaf extract and Olive Leaf Extract was born. This 100% natural product is classified as a food supplement and currently no other known herbal product in the history of the world is demonstrating itself to be as medicinally wide spectrum.
LifeGuard brand Olive Leaf products are made specifically for us by our grower from natural wild crafted olive leaf. These items contain a wide range of nutrients and healing properties in the natural leaf that are not present in straight olive leaf extract.
Use HCLBrand Olive Leaf for prevention, effective for immune and cardiovascular system support, building energy reserves battling mild conditions.
The letters O, L and E are the initials for Olive Leaf Extract and the first three letters in OLEuropein. In Spain, where olives are at the very heart of their culture, the word ‘olé’ (o-lay) means ‘bravo’ or ‘perfect’ - and that’s what thousands of people are saying about our life-changing extracts.
HCLBrand olive leaf capsules deliver pure olive leaf or extract wherever and whenever. Safe & easily digestible, can be taken with or without food. Supercharged with antioxidants and Free-Radical scavengers from the ancient tree of life.
Olive Leaf Extract is an antibacterial, antiviral and antiparasitic substance.
According to laboratory tests, calcium elenolate (derived from oleuropein) kills viruses by interfering with certain amino acid production processes. This interference prevents virus shedding, budding or assembly at the cell membrane. Studies suggest that this compound has the ability to penetrate infected host cells and irreversibly inhibit viral replication. (e,g) In retroviruses, this compound neutralizes the production of the reverse transcriptase enzyme (f,g) and is believed to also neutralize the protease enzyme as well. These enzymes are essential for retroviruses such as HIV to alter the RNA of a healthy cell.
Researchers in Europe investigated the properties of oleuropein and suggested that it inactivated bacteria by dissolving the outer lining of the microbes. More recent studies (h,i) of oleuropein show that it seems to protect low density lipoprotein from oxidation, thus reducing the LDL (the bad cholesterol). Another research study in France remarks that Olea europaea leaf extracts show extremely high antioxidative qualities. (j)
The new Olive Leaf Extract extract not only confirms the earlier test finding (less the serum binding problem), but seems to show itself as an immune system builder by directly stimulating phagocyte production (phogocytosis). It also contains natural flavinoids and esters that create a structural complex that infectious microorganisms may not readily develop a resistance to. Biochemists have determined that the extract has multiple iridoids and that the synergy of them working together is the reason for the wide spectrum effect.
A safety study on calcium elenolate was laboratory tested with animals and published by The Upjohn Company in 1970. (e) The study concluded that even in doses several hundred times higher than recommended, no toxic or other adverse side effects appeared.
No known studies have been conducted with regards to pregnancy or nursing mothers. Also no known studies of interactions between Olive Leaf Extract and other pharmaceuticals have been performed.
(1) Some people experience what is known as Herxheimers Reaction. This is a detoxification reaction and not a counteraction to the product.
If any of these symptoms should occur - greater fatigue, diarrhea, headaches, muscle/joint aches or flu-like symptoms, temporarily discontinue taking Olive Leaf Extract or cut back on the amount taken until the body can eliminate the toxic waste. Most individuals experience no such effect.
(2) A few individuals have reported a slight headache due to detoxification. If this should occur, any common pain reliever seems to work to curb the discomfort.
There are no toxic chemicals used in the preparation of our Olive Leaf Extract and all excipients are those commonly used in the food, vitamin or pharmaceutical industry in the United States.
It is suspected that many new viruses, retroviruses, bacterias and protozoans will be added to the list in the near future. While case studies have already shown that Olive Leaf Extract is attacking other viruses and bacterial conditions, the unexpected seems to be happening. Several long term sufferers of chronic fungal infections have noticed regression or clearing. Many individuals with fibromyalgia, Epstein-Barr Virus, or chronic fatigue syndrome are reporting that they are feeling much better after taking it.
A major breakthrough may shortly happen!
Olive Leaf Extract seems to be lowering the bad cholesterol (LDL) level 30% or more in clinical trials for several individuals without exercise or extreme dietary changes.
'' The Future - Here Now!
The Los Angeles Times, August 24, 1995, front page story reveals the need for products such as EDEN(TM).
Germs Far More Resistant to Penicillin
"To counteract the rise in drug resistant microbes, researchers suggest... that doctors cut back on the indiscriminate use of antibiotics." L.A. Times 8-24-95
"Over the last decade, medical scientists have grown increasingly concerned about the emergence of antibiotic resistance as seemingly vanquished microbes have bound back, newly endowed with an ability to fend off the antibiotic drugs that were the glory of 20th century medicine." L.A. Times 8-24-95
"In addition to pneumonia bugs... TB, gonorrhea, staph infections, certain intestinal diseases have also humbled medical scientists by proving that the victory over infectious diseases was not final" L.A. Times 8-24-95
Olive Leaf Extract in Action
One of Dr. Privitera's patients is a 17-year-old professional ice skater who says that one or two capsules a day helps sustain the high energy level she requires for practice and performance.
"In my clinic, as in many others, fatigue is the number one complaint," says Privitera. "I am not speaking of the serious chronic fatigue situation but just day-in and day-out tiredness, a result, I believe, of average nonexercising Americans eating their standard American diet of dead food. The average person, of course, is not going to change eating habits and is not going to go on a regular exercise program. Based on my experience, I suggest that Olive Leaf Extract offers something safe, effective and energizing for the malaise of the masses."
Dr. Privitera says he is continually surprised by some of the reported benefits from Olive Leaf Extract, such as improved psoriasis, normalization of arrhythmias (heart beat irregularities), and less pain from hemorrhoids, toothaches and chronically achy joints.
One woman with bad allergies reported significant improvement and a level of energy she hadn't felt for years.
One elderly male with severe arrhythmia reported that his condition had vastly improved in about eight days just from taking Olive Leaf Extract alone. A woman with mild arrhythmia said her condition improved substantially when she took Olive Leaf Extract and then slowly returned to its irregular state after she ran out of the product.
"Given what we know about the protective cardiovascular effects of proanthocyanadins and flavinoids, the phytochemical compounds found in grape seeds, onions, kale, green beans, broccoli and other vegetables, it will be interesting to see what benefits Olive Leaf Extract and its special array of phytochemicals prove to offer for heart and arterial health," says Dr. Privitera.
Another dramatic development involved a 15-year-old girl with juvenile diabetes. The teenager had been regularly taking 350 units of insulin daily to control her condition. After one month on the standard recommended dose of Olive Leaf Extract (one capsule every six hours or the equivalent of four a day), she was able to maintain similar control with just 220 units.
Years ago, researchers found that the natural olive leaf compounds from which Olive Leaf Extract is derived could lower blood sugar. Dr. Privitera hopes to study the supplement's effects on other diabetics to determine whether it might indeed reduce insulin requirements.
Biochemist Arnold Takemoto, who designs patient nutritional programs for physicians in Arizona, has found Olive Leaf Extract to be an effective addition to his arsenal of natural healing. He also says it has helped some patients rapidly rid themselves of stubborn viral infections they have had for years. As an example, he cites the case of a patient who had suffered from shingles (herpes zoster) for nine years. Within two days of starting Olive Leaf Extract and other supplements, the condition cleared up.
Patient Reports
Reports from patients dramatically reveal some of the many potential uses of Olive Leaf Extract. The accounts appearing here, however, are intended as information only and should not be construed by readers to mean that the supplement will be effective or provide relief in all such cases.
Chronic Fatigue
"Chronic fatigue patients are often helped by Olive Leaf Extract," says Dr. Privitera. "It is not a cure-all, but the results are substantive enough so that many individuals want to continue taking the supplement."
Many chronic fatigue patients suffer from an associated depression. Privitera reports a number of cases where patients went through the "die-off" period and came out highly energized and no longer depressed.
One female patient described to Dr Privitera what she called a "really quite unbelievable" recovery within one month of taking the supplement. "For the last few years, I have not been feeling like myself," she wrote. "I've had little energy and enthusiasm for anything. This is not my usual nature. I attributed it to weight, unemployment and just being down. My head was always somewhat achy and I couldn't figure out why. The only way I could describe it would be as a constant low degree headache which never left. I started taking Olive Leaf Extract and noticed an immediate elevation of my spirits. What I liked about the product was that it was effective but gentle and didn't make me hyper or unable to sleep. Quite the contrary, I slept better.
"After a few days, I began to notice more energy and a stronger sense of well-being. The cobwebs in my brain started to diminish. I also noticed a bad shoulder and a bad knee started to get better. The pain associated with these joints remarkably improved. The only side effects I had were a couple of headaches in the beginning which disappeared with some aspirin. (Editor's note: A possible symptom of detoxification.) I started to feel much, much better. It was amazing to see the fatigue disappear and my general health improve. I couldn't believe I felt so well.
"I stopped taking the product after thirty days and experienced no withdrawal or anything. I simply felt better and that has stayed the same for the last sixty days without the product."
A female patient diagnosed with Epstein-Barr Virus reported that the supplement "has helped me very much in overcoming the tiredness I feel. It has given me energy."
Flu and Colds
Olive Leaf Extract may offer a potent tool against the common cold and flu. Consider the following letter written on August 1, 1995, by a female patient with persistent flu symptoms:
"I became ill with the flu in February and had several immune boosters, extra vitamins and three antibiotics. My fever was 102-103 every afternoon and this continued even after the antibiotics. I developed paralyzing chest and abdominal pain, being confined to the couch for weeks, not able to hardly walk. My weight dropped to 84 pounds. Medical tests revealed nothing specifically wrong.
"I started taking Olive Leaf Extract on July 18. Within a few days, my temperature started dropping and it is slowly and steadily going down so that some days I haven't needed to take Tylenol to reduce it. The pain is subsiding gradually and my appetite and strength are returning."
At the time of her next medical examination, on August 15, the patient's temperature had been normal for a week and she had taken no painkillers for two weeks.
An elementary school teacher with a history of asthma and super-susceptibility to colds and flu believes that Olive Leaf Extract has armor-plated her against the legion of germs that run rampant throughout her classroom.
"I used to get sick all the time," she says. "One school year, I got strep throat eight times. If you sneezed at me, the chances are I would get sick. Not anymore. When many kids in my class were coughing, sneezing and blowing their noses before Christmas, I caught a slight cold and that's it."
"The product," says Dr. Privitera, "may be a true antiviral, inasmuch as it selectively blocks an entire virus-specific system in the infected host. It appears, moreover, to offer us healing effects that are not covered by pharmaceutical antibiotics. We believe that many people who lead stressful lives or who may be particularly susceptible to colds and viruses may benefit from long term use of Olive Leaf Extract as a preventive agent."
Viruses, Bacterias and Parasitic Protozoans Laboratory tests suggest that EDENTM is effective against the following diseases:
Herpes (MRS)
Parainfluenza 1 (Sendai)
Salmonella Tyhimurium
Reovirus (Deering)
Pseudomonas Fluorescens
Moloney Murine Leukemia
Para. 1 (Sendai) TUC
P. Solanacearum
Influenza A (PRS)
Rauscher Murine Leukemia
Para. 1 (C-35, HA-2)
P. Lachrymans
Newcastle Disease
Moloney Sarcoma
Para. 2 (CA, Greer)
Erwinia Carotovora
Parainfluenza 3
Influenza A/NWS (HONI)
Lactobacillus Plantarum W50
B. Tracheiphila
CoxsackieA 21
In. A/PR8/34 (HONI)
L. Brevis 50
Xanthomonas Vesicatoria
In. A/FM/1/47 (HONI)
Pediococcus Cerevisiac 39
Corynesbacterium Michiganese
Polio 1
In. A/Ann Arbor/1/57 (HIN2)
Leuconostoc Mesenteriodes 42
Plasmodium FalciparumVirax
Polio 2
In. A/Hong Kong/Richardson/68 (H3N2)
Staphylococcus Aureus
Polio 3
In. B/Lee/40
Bacillus Subtilis
Vesicular Stomititus
In. B/Maryland/1/59
Escherichia Coli
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